Scrippelle 'mbusse

Serves for 6 persons:

For le scrippelle: 1 egg per person, 2 tablespoons of flour for each egg.

For the broth il brodo: 300-400g of brisket of beef, 300-400g muscle knee ox, one wing of turkey, 1 bunch of celery, 1 celery, 1/2 onion, 1 carrot, yellow, 1 grated Parmesan , salt to taste, parmesan cheese if you want.

Preparation: Mix eggs and flour, diluting with 1 cup of water for each egg. Grease with lard (or oil) a pan and let it drain for a while. With a ladle pour a little at a time, the dough, so as to obtain very thin pancakes, and cook over low heat. After cooking of scrippelle, prepare the broth by boiling together the beef, muscle, bone, turkey wing and odors for about 2 hours. Switch therefore the broth through a strainer. Arrange scrippelle, rolled up, on plates and pour the broth, sprinkle with Parmesan at will.